Sunday, July 6, 2008

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

Here we are in Hilton Head. No more baseball, little work, little (well, no) knitting.

Sr. Jr. had his final all star game on July 4th. They lost, but Sr. Jr. got a hit and scored, so he was happy. Overall, though, we were disappointed in this experience. The coach ended up putting Sr. Jr. in a position where he's weakest (outfield) and completely ignored his biggest strength, pitching. I don't think either of us would have minded that he wasn't pitching if we could see that he was not as good as the kids who were pitching. Unfortunately, this was not the case. The head coach let practically every other kid on the team pitch, except for Sr. Jr. We thought that this might have been because he was the only kid on the team who was not on the two winning-est (yes, I know it's not a real word) teams in the league (the Yankees and the Red Sox, natch). Another dissatisfied parent mentioned that a lot of the more favored kids were also on the head coach's basketball teams. Whatever the reason, it was a disapointment -- not because I'm some mom who has to see her pwecious widdle pookums pitch, but because it would have been in the team's best interest. I think some of the assistant coaches wondered what was going on as well.

It's been nice to leave that behind and just have fun. We stopped off in Savannah to see Mr. T's sister and her family before heading out to the island. They'll join us here for a day or two later in the week.

This morning, Mr. T took Jr. Jr. out to the beach early, while Sr. Jr. and I slept. While they were out there, there was a brief rainshower leading to another double rainbow.

Maybe he's part leprechaun.

I took the opportunity to go for a nice long walk on the beach. Four + miles, barefoot. It felt good, but the soles of my feet definitely felt a bit raw.

Here's a shot of the kids playing nicely together:

For a while, a porpoise gamboled about in the water near where they were playing. It went too fast for us to get a good picture of it. Finally, here's a shot of Sr. Jr., looking contemplative:

Tomorrow afternoon, the guys are supposed to go play some golf, so maybe I'll get a chance to pick up the knitting needles for the first time in over a week! I can't remember the last time I went this long without any significant knitting. I admit, it's been making me a bit crazy.

Before we left I did get the new Knitter's. While it wasn't quite as craptacular as the last issue, it certainly was full of suck. I think they need to retire the "Knitter's Design Team" and their obsession with strapless, two piece dreck.

What I really need to get my hands on is the latest issue of Piecework. Hopefully I can do that before my vacation is over.

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