Before I get to the fibery stuff, a note to Tracey, who suggested I contact the school superintendent with the thoughts I expressed about pushing kids too fast in my last blog post. Thank you, Tracey! That was a good idea. I emailed him, but I haven't heard back yet. As a teacher, do you feel like your voice gets heard in these kinds of curriculum decisions? Also, you said that you have a 9th grader at that school. Is he or she in the IB program? Are you happy with the school? I'd love any input you could give me.
In my limited fiber time, I've done a little work on the Paper Crane sleeve, which I haven't photographed lately. It's not interesting enough yet to show.
I also started working on the Gothsocks that I showed last time:
I like how this yarn is knitting up. The stripes look watercolory and the cashmere makes for some soft knitting.
I'm also spinning some more. After last week's freewheeling woolen spin, I'm back to spinning thin worsted singles. I plan to n-ply this yarn for a 3 ply final yarn.
The braid comes from Cloudlover. It's a Falkland wool in the "Bonfire" colorway:
Here are a couple of views of the singles. I'm almost halfway through:
I know it's Fall and I'm attracted to these colors, but after several different projects in this color range, my next spinning project will definitely be in another color palette.
is the "ugh" button to say that I feel your pain?
I have mixed reviews on the school, although my son seems quite happy and I think it suits him very well. I don't see a way to email you; my email is Maybe we can talk in more detail that way.
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